Photo Scanning
Services intended specifically for Artists and serious photographers.
Drum Scanning
We have been making high quality scans and colour separations for fine art photographers and publishers for over 35 years. We have one of the best digital rotary drum laser scanners ever made. This quarter million dollar, German made Hell Chromograph DC-380 has a scanning resolution of 16,980 ppi. If you have transparencies or reflective originals up to 18” x 23” or smaller that you would like to have scanned by the very best photo scanning technology in existence, we can help.
The best way to achieve the highest level of quality digital captures from slides and other photographic transparencies for use in fine reproductions is with a rotary drum digital scanner. These scanners provide exceptionally fine results.

How it Works
Each slide or transparency is inspected by a colour technician, removed from its frame or sleeve, cleaned with special cleansing agents and sealed to an optically pure cylinder with a thin layer of optically pure gel beneath. This process, causes any minute surface pits, scratches and defects to disappear. With a scan resolution of more than 16,980 ppi, the results are crystal clear, clean, sharp and brilliant.
When the scan is finished, the slide or transparency is cleaned and safely returned to its frame or sleeve. At just $50 each for enlargements up to 8.5″ x 11″ including some general, overall, post scan image adjustments by our colour technicians you get the best results from every image. Also, we can make stunning prints from these scans. So, if you have precious transparencies or slides which you want to capture, enlarge and print, this is the very best method. Bad photos can be improved dramatically by these scans plus post processing. Prints, local image work, CDs or DVDs are additional.
Flat Bed Scanning
We have two Creo/Scitex Supreme flat bed professional scanners (5,600 ppi optical resolution) ready to scan any images that you may require from hard copy reflective materials such as books, magazines to film slides, transparencies or negatives at very high quality and affordable rates. Our flat bed scanners provide a very effective method of capturing and digitizing images from a variety of materials at lower cost per scan. The quality is far superior to the vast majority of desktop scanners.

How it Works
For document scans, we remove any loose material that may be on the originals. However, any stains, pits, scratches or water marks etc. that we are unable to remove will be picked up by the scanners. Post processing would be required to remove any such defects. Included in every scan , upon request, is general overall adjustment in order to correct exposure errors which may exist in your originals, reduce unpleasant colour casts, increase sharpness and contrast etc. Local work is additional.
In terms of pricing: it is always advisable to meet with us to review the specifics of your art and your requirements for its reproduction. From this we can provide a precise quote. We are always available to discuss in person, by email, ZOOM and / or telephone.